The captain of a ship at sea is in absolute command of that vessel even if higher-ranking persons are aboard. If higher-ranking persons give orders to the nautical captain, such persons are very careful to say what they want done rather than specifying how the orders are to be carried out, because even higher rank does not give them the right to interfere in how a captain runs the ship.
The head of the Captains is the Commodore who shares an equal vote with the other Captains and himself has his own ship. He merely runs meetings with the captain's council and is our diplomat to outside groups.
Onshore, a Harbourmaster, as the equivalent "chief" of a port, was sometimes titled "Captain" if he had merchant marine or naval rank and professional service in command at sea.
Within our own Colorado Rogues we also have a Madam of Cricket's House who is in charge of the House and Guildmaster Jereth who is in charge of all the other Guilds.
The officer who is ranked immediately below the Captain of a ship is designated the Chief Mate, or First Mate. The Captain is noted by thier name being placed above thier ship's flag on thier Sashes
There are 2 types of Captains. The Colorado Rogues Captain and the Visiting Captain