Buffalo Game

From RogueWiki

This game is played in the Pub among Pirates when drinking. Captain Kya Fox is the self-proclaimed current ruling Champion of the Buffalo Game.

As posted on Wikipedia

The rules are very simple, and involve which hand you may use to drink.

1) You can hold your drink with either hand, but may only drink from it with your non-dominant hand. If any other Buffalo players spot you drinking with your dominant hand, they call Buffalo on you and you must finish your drink as quickly as possible. If you hesitate to finish your drink, the other players will usually proceed to make a ruckus chanting "Buffalo!" and banging on the table until you finish.

2) If you call a false Buffalo on somebody (call Buffalo when they are actually drinking with the proper hand), you are obligated to finish your own drink. Special care must be made when drinking with left-handed Buffalos because of this rule.

3) Once you begin playing Buffalo, you are playing it for the rest of your life.

Rule 1 is hotly debated as this is a common buffalo to be found holding your drink with the wrong hand. Its often best to err on the side of caution and never touch it with the offending arm except to pour.