Bones to Jelly

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Legendary drink passed down to us from the retired Captain Aramis to the Mistress of Bones DD McChesty. Bones may be commissioned for an event provided she is contacted a fortnight prior by a member of The Council by request of The Council.

Bones to Jelly is poured into a ladle, served by the Commodore. Before partaking of the Bones, the recipient gives a toast to any subject of their choosing (usually friends, family, a happy event or to The Rogues). The toast is then closed with the recitation of the Rogues motto: "Praise be the Bones!", to which those gathered will echo in agreement. As the Bones are being drunk, the recipient must not spill a drop of the sacred Bones. Failure to observe this will result in another mandatory shot, as served by the Commodore.

This is a sacred drink is only available to full Rogues and may be served to selected individuals at Rogue-Only events. Other groups, such as the Pirates of Rogues cove or Captain Devon's group of the Western Slope that have their own bones and observe the ceremony as they see fit.

Recipients of the Bones to Jelly at End of Faire Party or other events may include Captains, Rummy Winners, The graduated Step n' Fetch and Members of note (such as retirees).