Markos Desya

Revision as of 18:19, 27 February 2008 by Kilt Puppet (talk | contribs) (Biography)
From RogueWiki
Name: Markos Desya
Location: The Sun God
Rank: Master at arms
God: Horus

Skills and Knowledge


The Sun God - Passed Bells test

The Sun God - Passed Master at Arms test

Noted Favors and Awards


Little Jess - Ring My Bell Cards

Captain Moon - Knot, for helping out

Rogues Picnic 2007 - Charades 1st Place - SnF Snake - Tug of War


Weapon of choice:
Where were you born:
What were your parents or those who raised you like?
What was your profession before you became a pirate?
What/who made you go to sea for the first time?
How did being at sea make you feel?
Who was the first Rogue you met?
How did you meet them? .
How did you become involved in The Rogues yourself?
How long have you been in The Rogues?
Were you on any ships prior to coming to The Sun God?
How did you meet Commodore Amon?
How long have you been on The Sun God?
What is your position?
What does your service mean to you?
What do you hope to accomplish in The Rogues?