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== Biography==
         I was the first son of the first son of the first son.  I was born to run my family, my chosen bride to rule it.  Eventually.  However, for many years before that, I lived my life alone, as I thought right.My mother was Dutch, from a long line of churchmen.  My father was German, and that was a terrible scandal.  How dare she not marry a proper Dutchman!  But, she was young and in love, and her family could not stop her.  My father was not rich, but he worked hard.  He was a hard man, though, and my brother, my sister, and I were frightened of his terrible anger.  Once I came of age, we found out that he was also an evil man, and my mother left him.  
         I was the first son of the first son of the first son.  I was born to run my family, my chosen bride to rule it.  Eventually.  However, for many years before that, I lived my life alone, as I thought right.My mother was Dutch, from a long line of churchmen.  My father was German, and that was a terrible scandal.  How dare she not marry a proper Dutchman!  But, she was young and in love, and her family could not stop her.  My father was not rich, but he worked hard.  He was a hard man, though, and my brother, my sister, and I were frightened of his terrible anger.  Once I came of age, we found out that he was also an evil man, and my mother left him.  
           That was later, though.  Let me start at the beginning.When I was still very young, I started going off on my own, without their knowledge or permission.  I have always been bigger than most everyone, and I used that to my advantage.  I used my fists to defend myself, and then to challenge others.  I always tried to support those who were defenseless, though.  When I came upon a bully, that is who I would subdue, to let their victim go free.  Soon enough, I fell in with a group of ruffians, and they became closer than my family.  They used my size, and my skill in a fight, and I became the enforcer of their rules and views.  After several years, though, I came to realize that their views were not my own, and I almost died leaving their ranks.
           That was later, though.  Let me start at the beginning.When I was still very young, I started going off on my own, without their knowledge or permission.  I have always been bigger than most everyone, and I used that to my advantage.  I used my fists to defend myself, and then to challenge others.  I always tried to support those who were defenseless, though.  When I came upon a bully, that is who I would subdue, to let their victim go free.  Soon enough, I fell in with a group of ruffians, and they became closer than my family.  They used my size, and my skill in a fight, and I became the enforcer of their rules and views.  After several years, though, I came to realize that their views were not my own, and I almost died leaving their ranks.
           During that time, I was also being educated and learning to use weapons.  As the oldest son, my parents insisted upon school, and I learned to read and to write, I learned maths and sciences, and I developed a love of learning that has lasted my entire life.  I also was interested in swordplay, and I learned from several knights of my acquaintance.  I learned to fight well enough to beat them all, at least some of the time.  They also taught me etiquette, and insisted that I know how to behave properly at court, if the necessity should arise.  Much to my dismay, it became necessary when I was granted a Barony at the age of eighteen.  Four years later, in another kingdom, I carved out my own lands by right of arms.  Baron GarrQ Mac Kay el Sinister.  Damn it all, I never wanted recognition!   
           During that time, I was also being educated and learning to use weapons.  As the oldest son, my parents insisted upon school, and I learned to read and to write, I learned maths and sciences, and I developed a love of learning that has lasted my entire life.  I also was interested in swordplay, and I learned from several knights of my acquaintance.  I learned to fight well enough to beat them all, at least some of the time.  They also taught me etiquette, and insisted that I know how to behave properly at court, if the necessity should arise.  Much to my dismay, it became necessary when I was granted a Barony at the age of eighteen.  Four years later, in another kingdom, I carved out my own lands by right of arms.  Baron GarrQ Mac Kay el Sinister.  Damn it all, I never wanted recognition!   
         After a few years, I tried to give it up, the titles, the lands, all of it.  I managed to rid myself of the lands, but the titles are still mine, though I prefer not to use them, and have even changed my name to escape them.  I eventually left that kingdom, and came to Larkspurshire with my fortune, hopefully to live well, but in anonymity.For years, I had traded with the rogues and scoundrels of Larkspurshire, and I knew some of them well.  For that reason, among others, Larkspurshire was not as remote a choice for my retirement as others would imagine.  I had contacts with the smugglers and traders, though some call them pirates, and could finance my whims through them.  I found a place to live, outside the Shire, but close enough to get there easily.  I regularly attended the pubs and taverns of the area, and one day I met a woman.  Red hair, blue eyes, her eyes sparkled with mischief.  We danced briefly; we talked long into the night.  Later, I realized my money was all gone.  But that was not all she stole.For years, I fought to win her, to push her away, to keep her close.  She was a thief, and a woman of the night!  We talked, we laughed.  We didn’t speak for months on end.  Finally, I realized I had to have her.  I told her of my love, and asked for her hand in marriage.  My joy when she accepted knew no bounds, and a date was set.  I found out that she knew some of the same scoundrels and rogues I did.  Not only did she know them, she was one of them!  And she had been in my old kingdom shortly after I was Baron!  I couldn’t let her find out.  I couldn’t keep it from her.  I found a compromise:  I let her know of my titles, but I also made sure that she knew I no longer use them, and have no desire to use them.  A year after I proposed, we were happily married.  Her daughter became mine, and my life was hers.With me in tow, she continued to go among the rogues of the Shire, and soon they accepted me as one of them.  I found that they truly were pirates, and proud of it.  They were led by a tall, thin man dressed in black, and we became fast friends.  Too soon, though, his softer instincts led to discord, and the pirates mutinied.  He was overthrown, though he retained his ship, and the pirates elected a Commodore.  They decided that they had enough people to run more than one ship, and they needed someone to rule all of them.  They decided upon five ships, to be led by five Captains.  They also enlisted the local Madam, as these scoundrels made up not only all of her staff, but also most of her clientele.  Since they had five ships, they needed to choose Captains.  Once again, I was given an honor I neither needed nor wanted.  They chose me.  I was truly a pirate.  How low the mighty are fallen!  Or is it how high?  Regardless, I was once again a leader, a ruler, with power I did not need, and responsibility I did not want.  I had to try once again to live up to others’ ideals.Since I have never forgotten my home and my family, I had a Dutch galley built.  She was big, she was black.  She was dangerous, but only for my enemies.  Sterling silver rails, black lacquered hull, snow white sails, she was a beautiful ship, and I named her the Lady Sinister.  Then I needed to find the right people to man her.  My first choice for First Mate was stolen from me by another Captain, so I decided not to have one.  I would not take anyone on my ship just because they wanted to be, I had to have the best of the best.  For Quartermaster, I enlisted the leader of a group of assassins.  He was intelligent, cunning, and cruel, but most of all, he was loyal.  I set sail with a very small crew, including only my Quartermaster, a Navigator and Pilot, a Scribe, a Surgeon, a Master of my Armoury, and two crew members.  I also brought my wife and child.  For her skills and knowledge of guns, my wife became my Gunnery Master, and her daughter became her apprentice as Powder Monkey.  As our group was continuing to expand, we needed somewhere to train new members, to acclimate them to our merry band of rogues, and to allow them to meet all of the Captains and get to know their crews.  This was best done from land, and the Harbour became the training ground for new pirates.  My original choice for First Mate had remained a close friend, and I helped him build quarters and create rules to train them.  As they were responsible for loading and unloading our ships, these new scoundrels learned about all of our ships, and once they had learned enough, and proven themselves worthy, they had the option to choose which ship they would join.We continued to grow, our band of pirates, and soon we had too many members for our ships.  We nominated another Captain, and it was up to her to find herself a ship.  She brought with her from the ship she left three women and a man, to form the backbone of her crew, and she continues to recruit to this day.Over the years, my crew grew and shrank as I gained and lost members.  I gained a First Mate, a wonderful woman, intelligent, hard working.  Then she was given an appointment to our Flagship as Scribe, and I was without again.  My Quartermaster had been loyal, however, and had earned his place.  To him, I gave the promotion to First Mate.  After they completed their time in the Harbour, we gained a new Quartermaster, Bosun, and Surger’s Mate (she was the assistant to both the Surgeon and the Gunner).  They were from the same band of assassins, and I had no qualms about recruiting them due to the service I had received from my new First Mate.  My First Mate and my Scribe were married, as they had long been in love.  Soon enough, my Scribe conceived, and we were forced to sail without her until she bore.  Luckily, during this time, we were based in friendly waters, and could berth regularly.  Not only did I need the services of our Scribe, but my First Mate wanted to be there for the birth of his first child.  That fall, just over a year after they were wed, Kasha was born, a beautiful little girl that, luckily, takes after her mother.  Mother and child were healthy and strong, and soon were cleared to return to the sea.  Thus was added a new member of my crew, though not in the traditional way, and Kasha became our Mistress of Discipline.My Surgeon trained well our Surger’s Mate, and then went on to build a Hospice to train the rest of the Surgeons in the fleet.  This Hospice became renowned as a training center, and as a hospital to those who live outside the law.  To have more time for that, our Surgeon stepped back to the position of Cleric, and allowed our Mate to shine as our new Surgeon.During this time, I suffered a terrible belly wound.  For my health, I was required to take time away from my ship, and from the fleet.  I spent months in great pain, and bleeding inside.  My First Mate took over my ship while I was ill, to run it as would I, and to return it upon my recovery.  Even after I recovered, my doctors “suggested” that I change my diet and my lifestyle to avoid a relapse.  I was required to eat what food eats, and I was no longer allowed to rein in my ire.  After my injury and recovery, I learned that while I was gone, my Quartermaster had gone back to the Harbour, not for more training, but as one who trains.  My First Mate wanted support, so he decided a promotion was in order.  My Bosun was a good man, and trustworthy, so he became the new Quartermaster.  Then, and since my return, he has worked hard to earn his new position.  I also learned that my Cleric had become discontented.  She was, like all my crew, strong willed, and by this time, looking for new horizons.  In her unhappiness, she said terrible things, about my ship, about my crew, about me.  To avoid an ugly public scene, she left my ship for another, and I wish her new Captain luck with it.  However, we gained a new crew member, who left the house of the Madam to sail with us.The rest of my crew has remained with me, and loyal.  My Scribe took the position of Bosun, and my newest crew member stepped up to become our Scribe.  My First Mate and Quartermaster, my Bosun, my Scribe, my Surgeon, my Gunnery Master and my Master Armorer, my Navigator and my Pilot, my Sail maker, my Powder Monkey, and my Mistress of Discipline, and finally my crew Mom, these are the ruffians that call the Lady Sinister their home, the men and women that I call… my family.
         After a few years, I tried to give it up, the titles, the lands, all of it.  I managed to rid myself of the lands, but the titles are still mine, though I prefer not to use them, and have even changed my name to escape them.  I eventually left that kingdom, and came to Larkspurshire with my fortune, hopefully to live well, but in anonymity.For years, I had traded with the rogues and scoundrels of Larkspurshire, and I knew some of them well.  For that reason, among others, Larkspurshire was not as remote a choice for my retirement as others would imagine.  I had contacts with the smugglers and traders, though some call them pirates, and could finance my whims through them.  I found a place to live, outside the Shire, but close enough to get there easily.  I regularly attended the pubs and taverns of the area, and one day I met a woman.  Red hair, blue eyes, her eyes sparkled with mischief.  We danced briefly; we talked long into the night.  Later, I realized my money was all gone.  But that was not all she stole.For years, I fought to win her, to push her away, to keep her close.  She was a thief, and a woman of the night!  We talked, we laughed.  We didn’t speak for months on end.  Finally, I realized I had to have her.  I told her of my love, and asked for her hand in marriage.  My joy when she accepted knew no bounds, and a date was set.  I found out that she knew some of the same scoundrels and rogues I did.  Not only did she know them, she was one of them!  And she had been in my old kingdom shortly after I was Baron!  I couldn’t let her find out.  I couldn’t keep it from her.  I found a compromise:  I let her know of my titles, but I also made sure that she knew I no longer use them, and have no desire to use them.  A year after I proposed, we were happily married.  Her daughter became mine, and my life was hers.With me in tow, she continued to go among the rogues of the Shire, and soon they accepted me as one of them.  I found that they truly were pirates, and proud of it.  They were led by a tall, thin man dressed in black, and we became fast friends.  Too soon, though, his softer instincts led to discord, and the pirates mutinied.  He was overthrown, though he retained his ship, and the pirates elected a Commodore.  They decided that they had enough people to run more than one ship, and they needed someone to rule all of them.  They decided upon five ships, to be led by five Captains.  They also enlisted the local Madam, as these scoundrels made up not only all of her staff, but also most of her clientele.  Since they had five ships, they needed to choose Captains.  Once again, I was given an honor I neither needed nor wanted.  They chose me.  I was truly a pirate.  How low the mighty are fallen!  Or is it how high?  Regardless, I was once again a leader, a ruler, with power I did not need, and responsibility I did not want.  I had to try once again to live up to others’ ideals.Since I have never forgotten my home and my family, I had a Dutch galley built.  She was big, she was black.  She was dangerous, but only for my enemies.  Sterling silver rails, black lacquered hull, snow white sails, she was a beautiful ship, and I named her the Lady Sinister.  Then I needed to find the right people to man her.  My first choice for First Mate was stolen from me by another Captain, so I decided not to have one.  I would not take anyone on my ship just because they wanted to be, I had to have the best of the best.  For Quartermaster, I enlisted the leader of a group of assassins.  He was intelligent, cunning, and cruel, but most of all, he was loyal.  I set sail with a very small crew, including only my Quartermaster, a Navigator and Pilot, a Scribe, a Surgeon, a Master of my Armoury, and two crew members.  I also brought my wife and child.  For her skills and knowledge of guns, my wife became my Gunnery Master, and her daughter became her apprentice as Powder Monkey.  As our group was continuing to expand, we needed somewhere to train new members, to acclimate them to our merry band of rogues, and to allow them to meet all of the Captains and get to know their crews.  This was best done from land, and the Harbour became the training ground for new pirates.  My original choice for First Mate had remained a close friend, and I helped him build quarters and create rules to train them.  As they were responsible for loading and unloading our ships, these new scoundrels learned about all of our ships, and once they had learned enough, and proven themselves worthy, they had the option to choose which ship they would join.We continued to grow, our band of pirates, and soon we had too many members for our ships.  We nominated another Captain, and it was up to her to find herself a ship.  She brought with her from the ship she left three women and a man, to form the backbone of her crew, and she continues to recruit to this day.Over the years, my crew grew and shrank as I gained and lost members.  I gained a First Mate, a wonderful woman, intelligent, hard working.  Then she was given an appointment to our Flagship as Scribe, and I was without again.  My Quartermaster had been loyal, however, and had earned his place.  To him, I gave the promotion to First Mate.  After they completed their time in the Harbour, we gained a new Quartermaster, Bosun, and Surger’s Mate (she was the assistant to both the Surgeon and the Gunner).  They were from the same band of assassins, and I had no qualms about recruiting them due to the service I had received from my new First Mate.  My First Mate and my Scribe were married, as they had long been in love.  Soon enough, my Scribe conceived, and we were forced to sail without her until she bore.  Luckily, during this time, we were based in friendly waters, and could berth regularly.  Not only did I need the services of our Scribe, but my First Mate wanted to be there for the birth of his first child.  That fall, just over a year after they were wed, Kasha was born, a beautiful little girl that, luckily, takes after her mother.  Mother and child were healthy and strong, and soon were cleared to return to the sea.  Thus was added a new member of my crew, though not in the traditional way, and Kasha became our Mistress of Discipline.My Surgeon trained well our Surger’s Mate, and then went on to build a Hospice to train the rest of the Surgeons in the fleet.  This Hospice became renowned as a training center, and as a hospital to those who live outside the law.  To have more time for that, our Surgeon stepped back to the position of Cleric, and allowed our Mate to shine as our new Surgeon.During this time, I suffered a terrible belly wound.  For my health, I was required to take time away from my ship, and from the fleet.  I spent months in great pain, and bleeding inside.  My First Mate took over my ship while I was ill, to run it as would I, and to return it upon my recovery.  Even after I recovered, my doctors “suggested” that I change my diet and my lifestyle to avoid a relapse.  I was required to eat what food eats, and I was no longer allowed to rein in my ire.  After my injury and recovery, I learned that while I was gone, my Quartermaster had gone back to the Harbour, not for more training, but as one who trains.  My First Mate wanted support, so he decided a promotion was in order.  My Bosun was a good man, and trustworthy, so he became the new Quartermaster.  Then, and since my return, he has worked hard to earn his new position.  I also learned that my Cleric had become discontented.  She was, like all my crew, strong willed, and by this time, looking for new horizons.  In her unhappiness, she said terrible things, about my ship, about my crew, about me.  To avoid an ugly public scene, she left my ship for another, and I wish her new Captain luck with it.  However, we gained a new crew member, who left the house of the Madam to sail with us.The rest of my crew has remained with me, and loyal.  My Scribe took the position of Bosun, and my newest crew member stepped up to become our Scribe.  My First Mate and Quartermaster, my Bosun, my Scribe, my Surgeon, my Gunnery Master and my Master Armorer, my Navigator and my Pilot, my Sail maker, my Powder Monkey, and my Mistress of Discipline, and finally my crew Mom, these are the ruffians that call the Lady Sinister their home, the men and women that I call… my family.

Revision as of 18:04, 29 December 2009

        I was the first son of the first son of the first son.  I was born to run my family, my chosen bride to rule it.  Eventually.  However, for many years before that, I lived my life alone, as I thought right.My mother was Dutch, from a long line of churchmen.  My father was German, and that was a terrible scandal.  How dare she not marry a proper Dutchman!  But, she was young and in love, and her family could not stop her.  My father was not rich, but he worked hard.  He was a hard man, though, and my brother, my sister, and I were frightened of his terrible anger.  Once I came of age, we found out that he was also an evil man, and my mother left him. 
         That was later, though.  Let me start at the beginning.When I was still very young, I started going off on my own, without their knowledge or permission.  I have always been bigger than most everyone, and I used that to my advantage.  I used my fists to defend myself, and then to challenge others.  I always tried to support those who were defenseless, though.  When I came upon a bully, that is who I would subdue, to let their victim go free.  Soon enough, I fell in with a group of ruffians, and they became closer than my family.  They used my size, and my skill in a fight, and I became the enforcer of their rules and views.  After several years, though, I came to realize that their views were not my own, and I almost died leaving their ranks.
         During that time, I was also being educated and learning to use weapons.  As the oldest son, my parents insisted upon school, and I learned to read and to write, I learned maths and sciences, and I developed a love of learning that has lasted my entire life.  I also was interested in swordplay, and I learned from several knights of my acquaintance.  I learned to fight well enough to beat them all, at least some of the time.  They also taught me etiquette, and insisted that I know how to behave properly at court, if the necessity should arise.  Much to my dismay, it became necessary when I was granted a Barony at the age of eighteen.  Four years later, in another kingdom, I carved out my own lands by right of arms.  Baron GarrQ Mac Kay el Sinister.  Damn it all, I never wanted recognition!  
        After a few years, I tried to give it up, the titles, the lands, all of it.  I managed to rid myself of the lands, but the titles are still mine, though I prefer not to use them, and have even changed my name to escape them.  I eventually left that kingdom, and came to Larkspurshire with my fortune, hopefully to live well, but in anonymity.For years, I had traded with the rogues and scoundrels of Larkspurshire, and I knew some of them well.  For that reason, among others, Larkspurshire was not as remote a choice for my retirement as others would imagine.  I had contacts with the smugglers and traders, though some call them pirates, and could finance my whims through them.  I found a place to live, outside the Shire, but close enough to get there easily.  I regularly attended the pubs and taverns of the area, and one day I met a woman.  Red hair, blue eyes, her eyes sparkled with mischief.  We danced briefly; we talked long into the night.  Later, I realized my money was all gone.  But that was not all she stole.For years, I fought to win her, to push her away, to keep her close.  She was a thief, and a woman of the night!  We talked, we laughed.  We didn’t speak for months on end.  Finally, I realized I had to have her.  I told her of my love, and asked for her hand in marriage.  My joy when she accepted knew no bounds, and a date was set.  I found out that she knew some of the same scoundrels and rogues I did.  Not only did she know them, she was one of them!  And she had been in my old kingdom shortly after I was Baron!  I couldn’t let her find out.  I couldn’t keep it from her.  I found a compromise:  I let her know of my titles, but I also made sure that she knew I no longer use them, and have no desire to use them.  A year after I proposed, we were happily married.  Her daughter became mine, and my life was hers.With me in tow, she continued to go among the rogues of the Shire, and soon they accepted me as one of them.  I found that they truly were pirates, and proud of it.  They were led by a tall, thin man dressed in black, and we became fast friends.  Too soon, though, his softer instincts led to discord, and the pirates mutinied.  He was overthrown, though he retained his ship, and the pirates elected a Commodore.  They decided that they had enough people to run more than one ship, and they needed someone to rule all of them.  They decided upon five ships, to be led by five Captains.  They also enlisted the local Madam, as these scoundrels made up not only all of her staff, but also most of her clientele.  Since they had five ships, they needed to choose Captains.  Once again, I was given an honor I neither needed nor wanted.  They chose me.  I was truly a pirate.  How low the mighty are fallen!  Or is it how high?  Regardless, I was once again a leader, a ruler, with power I did not need, and responsibility I did not want.  I had to try once again to live up to others’ ideals.Since I have never forgotten my home and my family, I had a Dutch galley built.  She was big, she was black.  She was dangerous, but only for my enemies.  Sterling silver rails, black lacquered hull, snow white sails, she was a beautiful ship, and I named her the Lady Sinister.  Then I needed to find the right people to man her.  My first choice for First Mate was stolen from me by another Captain, so I decided not to have one.  I would not take anyone on my ship just because they wanted to be, I had to have the best of the best.  For Quartermaster, I enlisted the leader of a group of assassins.  He was intelligent, cunning, and cruel, but most of all, he was loyal.  I set sail with a very small crew, including only my Quartermaster, a Navigator and Pilot, a Scribe, a Surgeon, a Master of my Armoury, and two crew members.  I also brought my wife and child.  For her skills and knowledge of guns, my wife became my Gunnery Master, and her daughter became her apprentice as Powder Monkey.  As our group was continuing to expand, we needed somewhere to train new members, to acclimate them to our merry band of rogues, and to allow them to meet all of the Captains and get to know their crews.  This was best done from land, and the Harbour became the training ground for new pirates.  My original choice for First Mate had remained a close friend, and I helped him build quarters and create rules to train them.  As they were responsible for loading and unloading our ships, these new scoundrels learned about all of our ships, and once they had learned enough, and proven themselves worthy, they had the option to choose which ship they would join.We continued to grow, our band of pirates, and soon we had too many members for our ships.  We nominated another Captain, and it was up to her to find herself a ship.  She brought with her from the ship she left three women and a man, to form the backbone of her crew, and she continues to recruit to this day.Over the years, my crew grew and shrank as I gained and lost members.  I gained a First Mate, a wonderful woman, intelligent, hard working.  Then she was given an appointment to our Flagship as Scribe, and I was without again.  My Quartermaster had been loyal, however, and had earned his place.  To him, I gave the promotion to First Mate.  After they completed their time in the Harbour, we gained a new Quartermaster, Bosun, and Surger’s Mate (she was the assistant to both the Surgeon and the Gunner).  They were from the same band of assassins, and I had no qualms about recruiting them due to the service I had received from my new First Mate.  My First Mate and my Scribe were married, as they had long been in love.  Soon enough, my Scribe conceived, and we were forced to sail without her until she bore.  Luckily, during this time, we were based in friendly waters, and could berth regularly.  Not only did I need the services of our Scribe, but my First Mate wanted to be there for the birth of his first child.  That fall, just over a year after they were wed, Kasha was born, a beautiful little girl that, luckily, takes after her mother.  Mother and child were healthy and strong, and soon were cleared to return to the sea.  Thus was added a new member of my crew, though not in the traditional way, and Kasha became our Mistress of Discipline.My Surgeon trained well our Surger’s Mate, and then went on to build a Hospice to train the rest of the Surgeons in the fleet.  This Hospice became renowned as a training center, and as a hospital to those who live outside the law.  To have more time for that, our Surgeon stepped back to the position of Cleric, and allowed our Mate to shine as our new Surgeon.During this time, I suffered a terrible belly wound.  For my health, I was required to take time away from my ship, and from the fleet.  I spent months in great pain, and bleeding inside.  My First Mate took over my ship while I was ill, to run it as would I, and to return it upon my recovery.  Even after I recovered, my doctors “suggested” that I change my diet and my lifestyle to avoid a relapse.  I was required to eat what food eats, and I was no longer allowed to rein in my ire.  After my injury and recovery, I learned that while I was gone, my Quartermaster had gone back to the Harbour, not for more training, but as one who trains.  My First Mate wanted support, so he decided a promotion was in order.  My Bosun was a good man, and trustworthy, so he became the new Quartermaster.  Then, and since my return, he has worked hard to earn his new position.  I also learned that my Cleric had become discontented.  She was, like all my crew, strong willed, and by this time, looking for new horizons.  In her unhappiness, she said terrible things, about my ship, about my crew, about me.  To avoid an ugly public scene, she left my ship for another, and I wish her new Captain luck with it.  However, we gained a new crew member, who left the house of the Madam to sail with us.The rest of my crew has remained with me, and loyal.  My Scribe took the position of Bosun, and my newest crew member stepped up to become our Scribe.  My First Mate and Quartermaster, my Bosun, my Scribe, my Surgeon, my Gunnery Master and my Master Armorer, my Navigator and my Pilot, my Sail maker, my Powder Monkey, and my Mistress of Discipline, and finally my crew Mom, these are the ruffians that call the Lady Sinister their home, the men and women that I call… my family.