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A Step n' Fetch is a rogue in training under the supervision of the [[Harbour]] as regulated by the Step n' Fetch rules to learn respect and honor for thier superiors as well as building thier character.
A Step n' Fetch is a rogue in training under the supervision of [[the Harbour]] as regulated by the Step n' Fetch rules to learn the basics of the Fleet, team work, respect for their superiors as well as building their character.
Currently, the Step n' Fetches are required to wear an emblem of can-tabs, laced with orange ribbin.
They are known for a black armband with a White Sign on it trimmed in teal..
Previous emblem: a black armband with a white and teal "elder sign".

Revision as of 15:59, 4 February 2011

A Step n' Fetch is a rogue in training under the supervision of the Harbour as regulated by the Step n' Fetch rules to learn the basics of the Fleet, team work, respect for their superiors as well as building their character.

Currently, the Step n' Fetches are required to wear an emblem of can-tabs, laced with orange ribbin.

Previous emblem: a black armband with a white and teal "elder sign".